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Articles --> Drink Recipes
Slow Comfortable Screw/Fat Ho On A Bike
I have a bowling league I formed 6 years ago and a couple years ago, the theme for the league was your team name needed to be a drink.
One week, every team had to have their team name made and then the team had to drink it.
Out team name was Slow Comfortable Screw. I originally was going to call us Fat Ho On A Bike, but we only have one girl on our team and she didn't like that idea. So below are the recipes for both drinks!
Slow Comfortable Screw
1 oz. Vodka 3/4 oz. Southern Comfort 3/4 oz. Sloe Gin Fresh Orange Juice Ice Pour alcohol over ice cubes into a chilled highball glass. Stir and fill with orange juice. Actually very good even if your not a mix drinker.
Fat Ho On A Bike
1 oz. Amaretto 2 oz. Cola 1 oz. Tequila Mix ingredients in an old fashioned glass with ice.